Sunday, February 11, 2018

Spirituality in a Song: Brian Wilson's (Surprising) First Attempt

Spirituality in a Song: Brian Wilson's (Surprising) First Attempt

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1 comment:

  1. NOTE - From the first time I listened to this cut, I thought the person being addresses is God. [Similar to my first listen to "I Write the Songs," which Bruce told me was about God] Maybe not expected from a rock and roll tune, but this type of praying is common to many Christians. "Pray without ceasing," a seemingly impossible exhortation at first glance (1 Thessalonians 5:17), is based on the belief that prayer is the conversation of a relationship with God. In the Bible, belief in God is not an academic answer to a question, it is the expression of faith that God exists and a trust that he cares and communicates; God loves and listens and leads.

    So, for, in this case, a woman to thank God for her boyfriend is no different than thanking the Lord for giving us our daily bread, forgiving our sin, or for help with a decision or problem.

    Jesus made it clear that to "receive the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:15) (have a relationship with God) we must "become like children" (think like; eager, ready-to-believe) ... so asking, or thanking, God for even the simplest or smallest of things is actually the essence of prayer. Apparently, even God gets exasperated with a relationship that is all-me, always asking, without taking time to give thanks.

    Thanks Brian for some good biblical theology! (:>)
